Friday, December 31, 2010
Women Trying Out Naturism
This question is asked again and again. And therefore we would like to inform you in detail again today.
The Stamp Cafe is a so-called online courses. In a closed network (only invited guests here have access), we post within 2 weeks, 10 projects with detailed description. These files may save themselves the guests. We also host a "Live tinkering", there are several nights a chat will be moderated by Ilona and Irene. Here, guests may have to face questions about the products and instructions. Furthermore, there are two challenges with great prizes (stamp sets and designer paper).
And the best part: This online course is for our clients for free. We thank our loyal customers order so diligently with us.
Customers can order either our equipment package, or any other material from the catalog. Any order over 65 - is qualified for the Stamp Cafe. In January-February also is the offer of StampinUp: every order over 60 - a stamp set from the SAB brochure is enclosed. Ie who ordered from us will not only get the SAB set, but as an extra thank you yet to enter the Stamp Cafe.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ideas For Dirt Bike Cakes
the moment passed, the beautiful Christmas holidays too fast. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Besides were Feierei Ilona and I have prepared very hard working and a range of projects for the next stamp Cafe.
If you package the material or articles for at least 65 - are ordered from us for free with her there. And the Pops special for you is you are allowed an additional free stamp set from the Sale-A-Bration select flyers. The four sets available for free, we show from 30 December. Today we will first of all before the material package. You can choose between the stamp set or clear wood mounted. Accordingly, the price changes.
First two images:
Stamp "Gazebo" (clear) 20,95
designer paper "Summer Garden" 11.95
5 posts in Colours "15.95
Cardstock" In Colors " 8.50
band in fern green 6.50
1 package Basic Rhinestone Jewelry 5.95
power of: 69.80 plus shipping
I'll give the orders from the 30th of December, the goods so that their time for Start the Stamp cafes have.
You can order any time by mail to Irene Wendlandt:
Tel: 05841/1505
Or Ilona Kozok:
Tel: 04488/1789
Please state when ordering the free Wunschset from the Sale-A-Bration with action!
who still has no flyers, please also report to with me, I like to send it by mail.
And who would like to book a party at my stamps can do so. A few dates are still available.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fibromyalgia Quercetin
On Wednesday the 10th November we start with our great Christmas Cafe.
Since everything revolves around Christmas. You will receive instructions for cards, gifts, packaging. Obviously, an advent calendar and and and .........
We have recovered a Package of materials put together. Who that is ordered from us free of course with dabei.Falls you should see the one or other of the package of materials have, everything is interchangeable and expandable !!!!!!!!!
Ornament Punch 21.95
stamp Contemporary Christmas Designer Paper Christmas
21.95 11.95
cardstock Chili 8.50 5.50
silver cord
total of 69.85 plus shipping
ordered immediately and secures your place on Christmas stamp Cafe !!!!!!!!!!!
And of course there is a free project. All were published in our newsletter distribution can get it without being asked. Who present, may request it at:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
W B Thermostat Wiring
On 6 October reopens our stamp Cafe. Of course, in time for the catalog change. We will offer great projects around the new catalog. It also reflects chat evenings and of course our popular "Live tinkering".
Anybody who does not know what it means to be stamped on the Cafe, should contact me:
I will answer all your questions thoroughly and in detail. can
at the email address you also get a free project. Here's a picture of it:

Behind this is a clever piece of cardboard packaging. You will receive a pdf file with detailed description and many photos. All of us developed exclusively.
And who's now got the taste and wants to be a guest in the stamp cafe, the need for only 65, - order our products (applies to all orders from 01 October). Or pay the admission of EUR 12, -
The paypal button will be available shortly.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Can Oatmeal Oats Go Bad?
So, finally it's here again. the Stemelcafe opens on Wednesday 6. October the gates.
with fresh new ideas for the new Stampin Up! Catalog.
course, there are several ways to once again dabeizusein.
first Pay the entry of 12, - (by bank transfer or paypal)
second Appointed in October items worth at least 65 - and you come into free.
We do this time to a defined package of products to allow you the greatest possible freedom of choice.
is a free project and this time, as found in the next few days.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Forgot My Combination To Brinks Lock
also two challenges with great prizes. And because of the great enthusiasm, there are again "live tinkering". Anyone who has never done it before, here the explanation. In the chat you get cut requirements, etc. You need only follow our instructions and you end up with a great project finished. Cafe Cappucino Imletzten gabs a book. All participants were totally happy with this project.
What is this time tinkered live is remains a secret, of course.
And here's a little taste first on the project:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cover Letters Examples Best Buy Future Shop
Hello to all participants in the blog candy. I have all the comments here, on my blog and reach me by mail together and our daughter has been drawn.
The 1 Price (Stamp 15 by 15cm and paper, 24 sheets to:
2nd to 4th Prize: 15 x 15cm paper, 24 sheets to:
Melanie Arnold
please get in touch via email with me, so I can send you the beautiful things immediately.
is least until May 3, no response is paired once again
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What Does Har Mean On A Pregnant
Here is the new material package for the next Stempelcafe.Wir begin on 26 May 2010 with the next online workshop. It can now be ordered with us. With the purchase you will receive free admission again.
also get all the up to 5 May 2010, the package material, buy a stamp pad with a value of 5.95 € for free. Free choice of colors!
Included in the package is this:
a stamp set "Bird on a branch" Small
22.95 Role "Sweet Serenity" 8.50
1 package designer paper, "Night and Day"
12.50 1 pack cardstock "Whisper"
7.95 1 roll wide, striped ribbon
12.75 Total price: 64,95 plus 5.95 Shipping = 70.60
course you can share their articles, like bars or additional product.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I Want To Know How Much My Pearls Are Worth
Juhu, already the 5th time we open today the Stamp Cafe. This is obviously a cause for celebration. Therefore we give the following: first
Niegelnagel a new stamp set "So far, the best," it was never to buy only as a host gift
additional 24 sheets designer paper in 15 x 15 cm. The name of the paper is "Kaleidoscope" and "Pink Flamingo".
allow as many raffle something we cm also gotten 3 times the 24 Baltt designer paper 15 times in 15th
This means that 4 people can have this great blog candy to get paid.
must do what ye? It's simple: take it with the stamp Cafe blinkie on your blog, tells of the candy and leave us a comment. All participants have the chance to win the 4 beautiful gifts.
The duration is of 14 - 28 April
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bon Voyage Verses Funny
Finally it is done: we must dasMaterialpaket post officially for the next stamp Cafe. If you order this package from us, receive free admission to the cafe and saves a 12 ,-!!!!!!!!!!
Contains: Timeless
1.Stempelset 30.95
2.Design paper selection (48 sheets printed on both sides, size 30.5 times 30.5 cm) 27.50
third Embroidered felt flowers 8.95
material value 67.40 + shipping 5.95 Total 73.35
you can simply pay on the paypal button. Or like to include wire transfer. Then consult your Bandaten.
The material package comes to you as soon as possible, so that its from 14 April could take off with us.
And here the picture of the package. The paper is so thick that I was able to photograph only the envelope.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Can You Buy Girdles At Macys?
time has come: after a creative break the popular stamp Cafe opens its doors again. On 14
April has come and we start the next round. This time turns is all about the new mini catalog.
There is again a package of materials, who would get it ordered from us in free. You will get 10 great projects in pdf format. In addition, regular chat nights, especially small and Challenges sooooo much fun.
As we package the material only from the first official can show April, we want to give you away as a free taste of the project. You can now get it by email.
an email to:
Friday, January 29, 2010
Filmy Onlajn Lektor Pl
The new eighth minute is now online!
You can find us now exclusively
We look forward to seeing you on the new eighth minute! And we look forward to mail from you! As a volunteer project, the eighth minute of the lives of many employees. The editorial team relies on to obtain from you information and articles about people (such as elections, awards), actions and events (such as show debates, seminars, tournaments). Take part! Call our under eight minutes [at]
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"'We're not looking for a consensus, we seek to examine,' says Tim Richter the format of the debate, the philosophy student, is president of the Association of debating at universities, he believes." Debating is quite essential for our free and pluralistic society. It able to hold opinions and to refute arguments and really deal with issues'. issue is not about always find compromises, 'do not share you have other opinions, "says judge," but understand'. In Bayreuth prominent speakers debating factually hard, authentic in tone. [...] "I am pleased with the willingness to engage, to debate. Too bad the speakers have received little to each other that they have put forward especially prepared speeches', judges commented after the debate compared to the CBA. 'Tuition in the constructive discussion with more than 60 debate team in Germany' adds the multiple Debattierturniersieger added, grinning. " (From the CBA) Articles
"A big surprise was from, of course, all the speakers were as predicted in its opinion. The atmosphere and the arguments but the public have beaten in the spell. At some moments it was possible a hear a pin drop -. despite more than 600 fans in the stands of the lecture hall Individual speakers were far from the podium to discuss with guests particularly interested in small groups is rare controversy so close to life ".. (From the press release AKPIKS)
"The journey we reduced ourselves to a small Zugdebatte on the topic 'Should the World Cup will be awarded 2010 new?" Even the themes of the upcoming tournament has been speculated. What is being debated currently in the media who are the chief judges? and what priorities they have for possible We also came to the theme parties and donations -. what was then debated in the final yes actually [...] winner of the weekend but had all the speakers and judges because the organization team has always been. there when you needed someone to time. And to the wishes had not been met, put the brownies and mistress from Stuttgart everything in motion, so we felt comfortable to us. Thank you to Stuttgart "(from the Frankfurt tournament report)
was [...] The final played as usual on Sunday afternoon. This was probably the first and only mishap of the tournament. When the warm-up with control introduction, greetings etc. was over, it became clear that the speaker teams had not been out to the final room. Except Gudrun [ Lux ] and Tim [Judge] (opening Opp), of a smoker in the area, no one was in sight. Now, a hall-fulfilling silence had occurred, helped Marcus [ Ewald ] Stuttgart Moderator Nils Haneklaus out of the difficulty by jumping quickly decided on the stage ('So ladies and gentlemen, I'll Keep the fun now and a half minute') and an impromptu speech about the 'Shoe Size' ( Heckling from the audience was), in which he called for a standard size. When the teams arrived, the debate began on party donations. That being said, that Berlin is confused by statements that no one understood, unfortunately, soon catapulted into touch (well, so the total of 6 speakers), the audience was (as almost always) would otherwise be very divided, who will make the race. [...] We say THANK DC Stuttgart for a great tournament and congratulations Sarah Jaglitz , Rafael Heinisch and Clemens Lechner heartily on their success! "(From the Mainz tournament report)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Find Long Dong Silver Vidioes

spoke on the opposite side of the Archbishop of Bamberg, Ludwig Schick . He filled not entirely focused his speaking time to Christianity, he would not talk about religion in general, which is vague to him, but he represented Christianity and that it therefore also Jesus Christ in the middle. The bishop said the fact that Christ had revealed himself with a philanthropic god who bring healing and liberation of prisoners and use his influence for truth and justice. Schick argued that Christians had carried on the Greek and Roman culture in our time (Aha! Interesting! One wonders however why we are at school always told this story by way of the libraries in Muslim countries ...) and in kindergartens, schools, the entire social system do you see Christians, the good. Even Christians have died in concentration camps, have made opposition to Hitler, etc. Archbishop Conclusion nch six of eight minutes: Religion makes Fulfilling life and death.
Schmidt-Salomon approached with Mina Ahadi , an exiled Iranian women, who once led him away from the real issue in her speech and theamtisierte especially their own life experience. The (politically-orchestrated) Islam in Iran have taken her to the man, her mother made lonely, rocky women ... The conclusion of the chairman of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims: "I hate religion!" It requires less patience and "misunderstood tolerance" toward religion, the criminal damage. (Well, it's the religions, or are there abusing criminal regime, the religion to justify do for her?)
On the side Friends of the religion was a devout Muslim woman as the second speaker's turn: The Islamic Studies Rabeya Müller . .. (She was wearing a bandana, denied, however, for a discussion of the "K" question that these are externals Well, would the headscarf only an expression for it, then she would wear it no matter of religious conviction, which it did but apparently: On Headset touchdown they insisted on privacy and retired alone to her headscarf not to reveal to others.) Müller went (a little late in the debate) to Schmidt-Salomon and emphasized that the absence of religion would lead to the absence of violence . Finally, would also Atheists heinous crimes committed, just think of the Jacobins, Hitler and Stalin.
The final speeches: On the side of religious critics, of Paul Schulz, who is known as "Hamburger Church rebel known. He read out a manifesto in which he called to him to get rid of foreign rule by gods and confronted the audience with his truth: "It helps you not a god - whether in Haiti or anywhere else." On the side of religion was the former Federal Minister Andrea Fischer (Alliance 90/The Greens), supporter of the Initiative "religion" in Berlin, which is again concentrated on to tell about what religion for them personally in their lives mean: can receive and give love. She also made a point that they enter (as all speakers / inside the debate) for a separation of politics and religion. She had her own support that is here and there problems with her church, the Catholic, for example, go when it comes to marriage for homosexuals. But ultimately decide not to does not Church.
recorded for the well-attended and well organized event Steffen Hahn of AKPIKS responsible, it was moderated by President VDCh Tim Richter , who shared the sad fate of many presenters, the best prepared to be and to be able to say the least. The main auditorium of the Bayreuth University was well filled (one or the other debaters remembers the lecture hall: Topics delivery room at the DDM, 2007). The audience was diverse: In addition to many students were also many people of all ages from the Bayreuth people came. For the bishop seemed even a little "fan club" to have come, a lady asked his Excellency to the debate for an autograph.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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Here are some quotes from the reports:
" Sarah [ Jaglitz ] and Rafael [ Heinisch ] of Greifswald - she is studying biology, he physics -. Are by their win in Stuttgart to the favorites for the German championship, the contest is held in June place in Münster. 'We will of course be there, because debating is a competitive sport and great fun', Rafael insured Heinisch. " (From the Baltic News)
"Six weeks before he himself aligned TIME DEBATE of debating Vienna had the opportunity to relive what good organization!" (From the tournament report of the Vienna DK)
"The seven final jury retired for deliberation and announced: Greifswald has won a shame for Bonn A, it has very nearly was not enough So did our party mood even before the outbreak.!. We are proud of our club and we look forward to the next Tournament! Many thanks to the debating society Stuttgart, who organized the DEBATE TIME! That was great! " (From the tournament report by the DC Bonn)
"All participants agreed that [the organization of the TIME DEBATE] friends on the Neckar succeeded completely. But the food in the hostel on Friday was worth the trip! - But the nice atmosphere, all operators and Host could work together. - Just a little too cold the rooms were in high school, because the heating in the light of heated verbal exchanges in advance capitulated "(from the tournament report DebaDo)
" The participants expressed their satisfaction with the organization and gave her in. final with a standing ovation. Sun Mario Dießner from Potsdam: 'The new for me - I had nothing to grumble. It was great '"(from the Stuttgart press release)
Reading Open 2010: On 27 February, the Open Reading in the South East England Reading will be held. Chief Judge Joe Spark is . Planned, four preliminary rounds with five-minute speeches and direct Break into the final, in which the speaker then in German have room usual seven minutes to speak. After the final evening there is of course a nice party. The club has to demand basic overnight accommodation available. Participation costs 25 British pounds (the equivalent of just under 29 euros) per team. Registration via mail to readingdebate [at] for club and independent judges to joespark13 [at]
Berlin punk-Tournament: A Retrospective New Year's tournament winner January fort has written for the internet site of his debating Hartshorne House Marburg a tournament report for the New Year tournament .
Monday, January 25, 2010
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The debating Jena gets a point, remains on rank 6, but clarify the distance to the next place. The debating Bonn can make two places and is now tied with the debating Munich and debating Göttingen to find ranked eighth The debating Greifswald remains after the tournament in 11th place, is there but with 10 instead of 7 points stronger than before.
She looks now from that time Best:
| Club | |
| Münster | |
| Mainz | |
| Berlin (+1) | |
| Heidelberg Debating | |
| Tübingen | |
| Jena (+1) | |
| Freiburg | |
| München | |
| Göttingen | |
| Bonn (+1) | |
| Greifswald (+3) | |
| Hall | |
| Kiel | |
| Magdeburg | |
| Bielefeld | |
| Bremen | |
| Hamburg | |
| Potsdam | |
| St. Gallen | |
| Cologne Tilbury | |
| Passau | |
| Leipzig | |
| Marburg | |
| Frankfurt / Main | |
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opens registration UL Open: Registration for the Open University of Limerick is open. The tournament will be on 12 and 13 Held in March. Participation is free for teams of VDCh country. There are only a limited number of simple private beds ("Crash"), so register quickly! Registration via mail to ulopen2010 [at], information on the website the University of Limerick Debating Union .
New Berlin Open Date: Patrick Ehmann , president of the Berlin Debating Union has on the term debate in Stuttgart, where a new date for the Berlin Open known. The English-BPS tournament will now take on the last weekend of March at the weekend after the regional championships, that is from 23 to 25 April will be held. Chief judges will be next Ehmann even Leela Koenig and Doug Cochran . The Teamcap is 72, the registration fee at 25 € per person.
pickings SK Cup and BaWü 4: The culture of debate, the Tübingen Vorrundentab the culture of debate Cup and the Baden-Wuerttemberg Championship 2009 online. a report on the Cup of Tübingen preview is now online. The doubles tournament was held in December at the Neckar.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Wake Up And Balance Is Off
Awarded: Rafael, and Sarah Clement (from left, photo Kun Yin, DCS)
The final theme was "This house would ban political donations', was judged the finals of Isabelle Loewe (DC Bonn), Marcus Ewald (DCJG Mainz), Andreas Lazar ( DC Stuttgart), Yin Cai ( DC Heidelberg), Markus Dankerl ( DC Munich), Jonas Werner ( DC Magdeburg ) and Luke Haffert ( DC St. Gallen ).
had previously Bonn and Berlin, the team banter Potsdam and DebaDo Dortmund in the semifinals on the topic "This house would embellish fines proportional to income" left behind. Greifswald and Jena were able to defeat in the second semi-final teams of the debating society of Munich and Mainz DCJG.
Congratulations Sarah, Rafael and Clemens! Thank you debating Stuttgart!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Can I Get Into The Navy With Genital Herpes?
On Friday evening, the first preliminary round was held. 36 teams of two from VDCh clubs debated in 9 rooms, the topic "This House calls for the mandatory kindergarten!"
then swarmed over a hundred Debattiererinnen and debate from which to explore the Stuttgart nightlife enjoyed or in the youth hostel's own bar with beer, wine and cocktails.
went on Saturday we start early, as four preliminary rounds were on. First it was "This House would use the army again only for their own defense," then "This house would ban the circumcision is not medically indicated." After
were cheese sandwiches and other lunch on the last two preliminary rounds. The tension rose as the chief judges Isabelle Loewe (Bonn, DC), Marcus Ewald (DCJG Mainz) and Andrew Lazar (DC Stuttgart) had issued the slogan that there is no feedback and no placements. The Topics were "This House would take up all the countries of former Yugoslavia into the EU" and "This house would abolish the agency."
After the buffet dinner in the excellent Youth Hostel Stuttgart broke all at the Max Kade Residence, in the loud and wild partying and the break has been eagerly awaited.
Again and again cheers and a few sad faces as the break was announced. And here it is!
have breaked As teams: 1st
South Berlin (BDU, Patrick Ehmann and Farid Schwuchow)
second Jena Paradies (Jena DG, Clemens Lechner and Moritz Niehaus)
third Greifswald (Greifswald, DC; Sarah Jaglitz and Rafael Heinisch)
4th Bonn A (DC Bonn, Gudrun Lux and Tim Judge)
5th Potsdam (Potsdam, WG; Jana Bachmann and Florian Umscheid)
6th Munich Mafia (DC Munich; Valerio Morelli and Wladi Jachtschenko)
7th Anton Mainz (Mainz DCJG; Andrea Gau and Daniil Pakhomenko)
8th Dortmund DebaDo (DebaDo, Jan Fischer and Christoph Hirschfeld)
be the semi-finals judged by:
Tim Bruckmann (DC Bonn)
Marcus Ewald (DCJG Mainz)
Marcus Dankerl (DC Munich)
Mario Dießner (WG Potsdam)
Lukas Haffert (DC St. Gallen)
Daniel Hinkel your (BDU Berlin)
Pauline Leopold (SK Tübingen)
Isabelle Loewe (Bonn DC)
Volker Tjaden (DC Bonn)
Jonas Werner (Magdeburg DC)
(single speaker) of the preliminary rounds: first
Patrick Ehmann
second Clemens Lechner
third Andrea Gau
4th Farid Shukhov and Rafael Heinisch
6th Sarah Jaglitz, Tim Richter and Moritz Niehaus
9th Benedict Nufer (DC Hamburg) and Daniil Pakhomenko
The jurors have also breaked Cai Yin (DC Heidelberg), Andreas Lazar, juries, they are in the final.
going on with Sunday's two semi-finals, remains up to date with the current eight-minute Twitter account (and right up here in the magazine)!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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Reinier de Adelhart Toorop of EUDC organization team announced that the application from 1 March 2010, 12 clock, the EUDC website is possible. Theoretically, the notification to 8 March possible, it is expected, however, that the Teamcap is full of 200 in minutes. Accordingly: Save the date now! Each university (Note: This is not the club in VDCh applied principle, it goes to high school membership!) Can register a maximum of three teams. Participation costs 250 € per person. Payments from your universities, student bodies drawn, the DAAD and others are possible, but should be applied as a rule with the corresponding flow.
The tournament will be held in English and will be played in Debattierformat BPS. 200 two-person teams from across Europe will participate. Chief judges are Leela Koenig , Jonathan Leader Maynard , ross reid McGuire and Sough Cochran .
detailed information about the registration process , the planned program, the EUDC history and many other useful information about the EUCD can be found on the website of the major events in Amsterdam .
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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After the second to fifth preliminary round on Saturday will be celebrated on the roof of Max Kade hostel is at a very special party. Stuttgart club president Michael Saliba tells the Stuttgart Plans: A one-euro party should bless the Debattiererinnen and debaters from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland. And in Swabia it is still something for your money: not only cola and beer to have, there are also cocktails at a special rate of one euro. And garnished with cheap drinks and cheers are Andrew, Daniel, Isa and Marcus will also announce the break in the semifinals.
The top eight teams in the tournament, compete with each other on Sunday at 10 clock in the technical high school in two semi-finals. The winners and runners-up this debate should finally in the grand final in Wilhelmspalais compete against each other and compete for the first TIME DEBATE Cups of 2010. Special guests of the final will be expected include: the parliamentary secretary of the SPD parliamentary group Ute Kumpf , social Mayor of Stuttgart Gabriele Müller-Trimbusch , the Chancellor of the Stuttgart University Bettina Buhlmann and the vice-rector of the University of Stuttgart Frank Gießelmann.
course, the DCS has a few surprises up its sleeve - not betray such a small fine smiley action, the details of Michael. The Debattierszene looking forward to Suttgart! All that can not be there, holds the eighth minute on a date. Follow us on Twitter (including the right of the magazine ), we and perhaps other participants in singing the Hashtag # ZDstg.
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DCU Open in March in Dublin on 26 and 27 March will be held in Dublin, the DCU Open at DCU Business School. Are planned for the tournament in English and in Debattierformat BPS five preliminary rounds, semifinals and finals. For more information dcuopen [at] Registration is at this e-mail address from 25 January.
"Despite a lot of controversy and sometimes pointed, personal observations, all speakers, the discussion did assess' this debate. We have all played a role. The design of many arguments came close to the Debates' summed [Member of Parliament of the SPD] Rainer Bovermann at the end and praised the members of the debating: '! Compliment' How close is the degree of controversy was just the Samaritans, he did not betray. His bank and state Comrade Gerd Bollermann added: 'It is important to deal with public policy issues. We would also like to talk about municipal finances, but the topic was so determined. " Both ultimately felt offended in any way smiled, amused by debate: 'We would come back any time. Heckling and a lively discussion is important, finally, this is not a lecture '"
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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Annual Final of the Winter Tournament Tilbury House
Friday 22 January, 19 clock
New Senate Hall, main building of the University of Cologne
Albertus-Magnus Platz 1, Cologne
Thanking Message For Wedding
"The widespread in our society nostalgia for hearty and concrete discussions on political issues on Sunday evening in the substance to be repaid only limited However, those who can not stand the Phrasengewerfe Angie, Guido, Horst and his associates, experienced Speakers at the next corner on 21 March provides a soothing distraction. "
"act, some speakers make confident, dynamic and eloquent, without notes in front of others and argue skillfully Others are still inexperienced in dealing with arguments and with their own body language, but no matter how far one the rhetoric already.. controlled - everyone gets feedback after the debate. "
Monday, January 18, 2010
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voted Before the debate, the audience (albeit very marginal) for the abolition of political correctness, after the debate, a majority of the maintenance of those rules was desirable. The jury of media people and politicians came to a different conclusion - they saw the front page each. Best speaker in the eyes of the jury was Ronald Henry , audience favorite Lukas Windhager . The event was hosted by Brain Stefan Bauer .
Ronald and Luke had joined together with Marco Witzmann for the abolition of political correctness had on the contra side, however, kept Markus Dankerl , Almut Graebsch and Valerio Morelli .
Schonmal note: The number of "Speakers Corner" is on 21 March, 2010 continued substance !
text: Almut Graebsch, DC Munich
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Getting A Crease Out Of A Projector Screen
DebaDo vs. SPD: The successfully launched series DebaDo against the rest of the world " the debate Dortmund (DebaDo) on Tuesday, 19 January, continued with a show debate against SPD parliamentary candidates. DebaDo announced today, who will go for the party in the race: The two parliamentary deputies Gerd Bollermann and Rainer Bovermann will demand together with the deputy SPD chairman Dortmund Nadja Lüders "a school for all". The event is public and free of charge. It will take place on 19 January by 18 clock in the CDI Building, Vogelspothsweg 78, Room 022/023, Dortmund.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
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The most important news:
templates for promoter acquisition for debating online: VDCh The Board has published for the templates for the approach of potential supporters and sponsors of debate or individual events. Three templates are the VDCh clubs in DebattierWIKI under sponsorship documents available to facilitate the acquisition of money on the spot. (The access to the councils of Club DebattierWIKI can VDCh Bureau headed by [at] be obtained.)
VDCh provides support for friendly tournaments: The VDCh granted for the current season 2009/2010 grants Friendship Tournament . It has a budget of 750 euros. VDCh clubs can unique maximum of 150 € to apply to host a friendly tournament. The exact formalities to in DebattierWIKI in friendship tournaments .
VDCh receives support from the Youth Action on ' With the support of the debating society Vienna and the culture of debate, the Tübingen VDCh a successful application for tournament support the program "Youth in Action" is set. Resulting in higher subsidies from the federation is possible. At the suggestion and with the support of the executive committee could also VDCh Berlin Debating Union a successful application in support of the Berlin Open position. The exact date of the Berlin Open is not fixed yet. supported
DDG Debattierseminare: How VDCh Bureau VDCh the members telling the board of the Alumni Association sponsors German and Debating Society (DDG) has decided to support seminars for debating. If DDG members volunteer to act as speakers and presenters for debating, the DDG reimbursed up to 60 € for travel and accommodation costs (at most half of the cost). For each club can once a DDG-year grant to be awarded such a speaker, the speaker of the training in advance of the event directly to the Board may apply. The DDG-board will provide initially 500 € for this kind of seminar support. Debating clubs are supported by the DDG find speakers, may address requests to management board [at] be addressed. Potential trainers are also in pool of trainers of the association to find the debate team at universities (VDCh) in DebattierWIKI .
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'tuition fees endanger Germany, "said Martin Tönnes in his opening speech. The opposition leader Sonia Krontz - statistics student in the first half - gave her speech with strong Contra. As a Green Party leader Daniel Schneckenburger a question from wanted to ask, slowed Sonja compliant from the politician. In debate, finally decided by the respective speakers, whether to allow an incidental question or not. One party leader has to happen more often ...
The spokeswoman for the Green Council Group in Dortmund, Ingrid Reuter, made clear that the Greens want to abolish tuition fees and already have made such requests. The opposition member Markus Krüger led - a student of Germanistik, theology and history - to ask provocative, whom the Greens in the tight budgetary situation, the money for it, "want to pull out of his pocket." Reuter said the response to a persisting debater, that on clear arriving on political priorities.
opposition speakers Jorn Hahn, DebaDo Vice President presented, replies that it is unjust to students not to participate in the costs, while due in the craft for a master class is often a few thousand euros. Why should only champion with debt start to life and not university graduates? This subjected the opposition the issue of justice test. "Central to the educational career of a child is the kindergarten days," said Jorn Hahn, "and the costs, although it is so important."
the office since 2006, state chairman of the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia, Daniela Schneckenburger, insisted that one should create fewer barriers to entry to the study, because it is wrong to fund a study on credit. To expand the education they called 20 years after the unit, is concerned to build up to rededicate East, at least in part in an education solos.
As the last speaker of the evening was Mark Krümpel the podium. He set out clearly where the sticking points of this debate from the perspective of the students were DebaDo: Tuition fees are an important part of university funding and they made the educational landscape, contrary to all assurances of fees opponents a little bit fairer.
appeared at the final vote was to give a sudden three winners: The representatives of DebaDo, because now instead of two make up nine spectators to their side presented, the Greens, because they won the debates according to audience clearly won, and all friends of debate, which got an entertaining debate offered. And this show was just the prelude to the debate series "DebaDo against the rest of the world" . In the coming weeks, are speakers of the Dortmund club with parliamentary candidate of the SPD, FDP and the Pirate Party measure rhetorically.
A article on the debate show from a Dortmund Debattiererin is published by News steady.
Text: Tobias Raschke, DebaDo
Friday, January 15, 2010
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the content is based on both theoretical foundations as well as many practical exercises. Exactly who will conduct the training is not fixed yet - Successful debaters and Debattantinnen are requested. Once the team is established, you learn the names of course at the eighth minute.
The participation fee is 15 €. Included are training the next two nights in the hostel and full board. Can register debater / inside and debaters-makers from VDCh clubs via e-mail to Vice President VDCh Teresa Peters at teresa. Peters [at] VDCh. De. The 30 participating sites after the first-come-first-served principle awarded.
> This seminar is the last time being Jurierseminar, organized by VDCh with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Since general reductions in the BMBF have also taken the feed bowl for seminars, is the financing of a third Jurierseminars this season have not therefore gesichert.Aus organized the second VDCh Jurierseminar at a central location that is both the West and easily accessible from the south.
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Berlin punk Tournament Pickings 3: The Debating Society Paderborn has a published report on the Berlin punk tournament Paderborn view.
opens registration Cardiff IV: The Cardiff University Debating Society invites for the weekend 19 to 21 March for Cardiff IV 2010th The tournament will be held in English and in Debattierformat BPS, a separate team finals for non-native ("ESL") is planned. Easy Sleeps ("Crash") can be made available in bregrenztem extent. The net to find a registration form for speakers teams and a registration form for jurors , Further information can be obtained from ses6cs2 [at]
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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show debate of the DC Munich
Sunday, 17th January, 20 clock
"substance," Ruppert Strasse 28, Munich (U Poccistraße)
admission 2 €