Krocha The common, or vulgar Krocharin is a man very similar shape. A very limited vocabulary and a style which in the early and equally embarrassed nineties was out, are typical features for a Krocha. This style is called Mullet and is pretty much the worst of what the world after 2 World war has seen. Observed the Krocha is often the beginning of 2007 in Vienna and Graz, where he Krocht in the night shift or in the bulwark. If a Krocha recovered within a week of krochn, it's again time to krochn, and then, almost ritually, to drink to the hospital. Excuse number 1 is to be: "I picked gsofn Baaammm Oidaaaa fix net ZVUE, ZVUE been oba of ane Stückl, Oidaa, fix!" Do not worry, we must not understand this sentence, Krocha also it does not. Scientists believe that the above excuse could mean the following in German: "Hello, I'm not too much to drink, but the last was too much ecstasy, age, sure!" Krocha move in packs, usually around the houses, because the risk is less to be beaten by any halfway sensible person.
Even Krocha has a recognition factor. Imagine the hair style of MacGyver, takes her skin color by Roberto Blanco and then multiplying the whole with the IQ of Verona Pooth. The Krocha is still well below the calculated product with terror. Tanning cream and a straightening iron on the go are always at hand in the vicinity of a Krochas. Of course, with the only Krocha brand clothes that he could not afford it, would his parents, who understandably feel pity for her child, do not buy it for him. The age of the Krocha is between 11 and 20 years, really sad.
Sad but true, I'm in the lengths of Youpor ... I found my Youtube!
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